Bloating is a very common abdominal symptom experienced by almost everyone regardless of age. Bloating occurs when the stomach, small intestines or large intestines are filled with air or gas. Bloating is usually felt as fullness or tightness in the abdomen and often leads to discomfort or pain. People may also experience frequent burping or belching, flatulence, and abdominal rumblings when they are bloated. Bloating may range from no problem to something more serious. Common causes of bloating include indigestion, constipation, gastrointestinal infections, overeating, food intolerance, excessive alcohol intake, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis, menstruation and more. Bloating can be prevented by eating food containing more fibre and grains, avoid dairy products, drink plenty of water, avoid alcohol, quit smoking and exercise. Probiotics can also be taken to relieve bloating. Bloating caused by certain medical conditions needs attention and can be treated with laxatives, antacids, antispasmodics, and antibiotics depending on the cause.