Calcium is an important mineral the body needs. It aids in building strong bones and teeth. It is also needed for the heart and muscles function normally. When calcium is deficient, it can cause various disorders.Signs and Symptoms
Confusion or memory loss, Muscle spasms, Numbness and tingling in the hands/ feet and face, Depression, Hallucinations, Muscle cramps, Weak and brittle nails, Easy fracturing of the bonesCommon Causes
Poor calcium intake over a long time especially in childhood, Medications that may decrease calcium absorption, Dietary intolerance to foods rich in calcium, Hormonal changes especially in women, Certain genetic factorsRisk Factors
Chronic and acute renal failure, Vitamin D deficiency, Magnesium deficiency, Acute pancreatitis, Hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism, Infusion of phosphate/ citrate/ or calcium-free albuminInvestigation Techniques
Serum Ionized Calcium, Serum Electrolytes, Parathyroid Hormone, ElectrocardiogramTreatment and Prevention
Calcium carbonate, Calcium citrate, Calcium phosphate, Calcium supplementsPsychological Issues
Depression, Stress, Anxiety