Cervical ripening is an important part of the process of delivery of a baby. Cervical ripening is the softening of the cervix, which begins prior to the onset of labour to accommodate the passage for the baby to be delivered. Cervical ripening is crucial for the cervical dilation and it involves a series of a complex biochemical process. Briefly, the cervix content of hyaluronic acid increases and the collagen & chondroitin sulfate decreases causing the cervix to start becoming soft, thin, relax and dilated. There is also a way to evaluate the cervical ripening that is using the Bishop's score, which often can be seen, in the labour room. Bishop's score includes dilation, effacement of the cervix, station of the presenting part, consistency of the cervix, and position of the cervix. In some cases, induction of cervical ripening is needed in certain situations using prostaglandins, balloon catheter and artificial rupture of membrane.