Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT occurs when blood clot is formed in the deep veins mostly in lower leg or thigh of the body. It occurs in surgical and non-surgical patients. And sometimes it occurs without any symptoms.Signs and Symptoms
Pain or discomfort in the leg, Redness or discolouration of the skin on the affected area, Swelling and tenderness, Warm feeling over the skin, Dilated superficial veinsCommon Causes
Injury or trauma, Surgery: especially pelvic or orthopaedic, Reduced mobility or inactivity, Certain medications leading to blood clotRisk Factors
Blood-clotting disorder such as thrombophilia, Prolonged bed rest, Post Surgery or trauma, Pregnancy, Malignancy, Obesity, Past DVT, Synthetic estrogen, Smoking, Older age more than 60 years oldInvestigation Techniques
Venous ultrasonography, D-dimer test, Thrombophilia test, Venography, CT or MRI scansTreatment and Prevention
Anticoagulation therapy with warfarin or heparin, Thrombolytic therapy, Inferior vena caval filters if anticoagulation fails and if there is active bleeding, Lifestyle changes by exercising and avoid smoking, Graded elastic compression stockings and leg elevation during sleep to prevent and minimize post-thrombotic syndrome