Dental Cavity is also known as tooth decay. They are permanently damaged areas in the tooth that forms small openings or holes. If they are left untreated, the cavities get larger and lead to loss of a tooth. It can occur in any age group.Signs and Symptoms
Sudden pain in the tooth, Increased tooth sensitivity to cold or hot food and beverage, Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking, Visible holes or pits in teeth, Staining on the surface of the tooth, Pain upon biting, Pus around a toothCommon Causes
Poor oral hygiene, Dry mouth, Worn out dental fillingsRisk Factors
Age, Inadequate brushing, Improper oral hygiene, Eating sugary food and drinks often, Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, Dental fillings, Teeth location particularly the molars and premolarsInvestigation Techniques
Examination of mouth and teeth, Dental X-raysTreatment and Prevention
Fluoride treatment, Fillings or restorations, Crowns fitting, Root canal treatment, Tooth extraction, Practice good oral hygiene