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Dry Cough


A dry cough is a cough that produces any phlegm or mucus. A cough is a reflex that clears the airway from irritants and mucus. There are two types of cough which are productive and nonproductive.

Signs and Symptoms

Wheezing, Shortness of breath, Chest tightness or pain

Common Causes

Asthma, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Postnasal drip, Viral infection, Heart failure, Lung cancer, Collapsed lung, Environmental irritants

Risk Factors

Smoking, Air pollution, Inhalation of gases and dust

Investigation Techniques

Full blood count, Sputum culture, Chest X ray

Treatment and Prevention

Throat lozenges, Cough suppressants, Treat the underlying cause and avoid the triggering factor
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 08:04:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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