Head Injury is any type of injury either to the scalp, skull or the brain. It may result in a range of injury from scalp laceration to headaches to loss of consciousness or focal neurological deficits. The injury can be an open or a closed injury.Signs and Symptoms
Headache, Loss of consciousness, Anterograde or retrograde amnesia, Penetrating wound if open injury, Bleeding from the wound, Nausea, Vomiting, Seizures, Diplopia, Disorientation, ConfusionCommon Causes
Motor vehicle accidents, Accidental falls, Physical assaults, Sports accidents, Violent shaking of newbornsRisk Factors
Old age group where they are more prone to falls, Infants or children who just started walking are prone to fallsInvestigation Techniques
Computerised tomography (CT) brain, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain, X-ray skull and spineTreatment and Prevention
Painkillers for headache, Elevation of the head, Mannitol, Surgery