Hodgkin's Disease also known as Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system which is a part of the immune system. It usually affects young adults between 20 to 40 and has a male predominance.Signs and Symptoms
Painless and non-tender asymmetrical firm discrete and rubbery enlarged superficial lymph nodes, Fever, Pruritus, Weight loss, Night sweats, Weakness, Fatigue, Splenomegaly, HepatomegalyCommon Causes
Genetic mutationRisk Factors
Age, Gender, Family history of lymphoma, Previous Epstein-Barr infectionInvestigation Techniques
Full blood count, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), Serum LDH, Histological examination of lymph nodes, Chest X-ray, CT scanTreatment and Prevention
Chemotherap, Radiotherapy, Bone marrow transplant