Huntington's disease is a condition causing progressive degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. It is an inherited disease and causes a wide range of symptoms that affects the cognitive, coordination, movement and memory.Signs and Symptoms
Personality changes, Mood swings, Depression, Forgetfulness, Impaired judgment, Unsteady gait & involuntary movements (chorea), Slurred speech, Difficulty in swallowing & significant weight lossCommon Causes
Gene MutationRisk Factors
Family HistoryInvestigation Techniques
CAG repeat testing, MRI or CT scan, Genetic study, Physical examinationTreatment and Prevention
Tetrabenazine, Antipsychotic drugs, Other medications that may help suppress chorea include amantadine, Antidepressants, Mood-stabilizing drugs, Psychotherapy, Speech therapy, Physical therapy, Occupational therapyPsychological Issues
Depression, Stress