Myxedema Coma is an extreme complication of hypothyroidism where there is lack of thyroid hormones in the body. It usually occurs in elderly females and they exhibit multiple organ abnormalities and progressive mental deterioration.Signs and Symptoms
Hypothermia, Hypotension, Bradycardia, Hypoventilation, Hyporeflexia, Confusion, Delirium, Psychosis, Seizures, ComaCommon Causes
Infections such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections, Stroke, Heart failure, Surgery, Trauma, Certain medication, Metabolic disturbancesRisk Factors
Infections such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections, Stroke, Heart failure, Surgery, Trauma, Certain medication, Metabolic disturbancesInvestigation Techniques
Full blood count, Blood urea and serum electrolytes, Blood culture and sensitivity, Blood glucose, Liver function test, Free T4 and TSH levels, Serum cortisol, Arterial blood gases, Lipid profile, Urine microscopy, ECGTreatment and Prevention
Airway management, Thyroid hormone replacement, Glucocorticoid therapy, Correct hypoglycemia, Correct hypothermia by passive external rewarming