Nutritional deficiency is a condition where the body lacks many different vitamins and minerals which are essential for the development of the body. These nutritions aren't produced by the bodies but obtained through the diet.Signs and Symptoms
Pallor or pale skin, Fatigue, Weakness, Trouble breathing, Unusual food cravings, Hair loss, Periods of lightheadedness, Constipation, Sleepiness, Heart palpitations, Feeling faint or fainting, Depression, Yingling and numbness of the joints, Menstrual issues such as missed periods or very heavy cycles, Poor concentrationCommon Causes
Malnutrition, StarvationRisk Factors
Refugees, Endocrine/ Metabolic/ and Nutritional Diseases, Inflammatory bowel diseaseInvestigation Techniques
Blood tests, Complete blood count (CBC), Blood urea and serum electrolytesTreatment and Prevention
Dietary changes, Supplements, Parenteral administrationPsychological Issues
Stress, Anxiety