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Prevention Of Tetanus


Tetanus is a condition, which is acute, and always a fatal condition. It is caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani that produce exotoxins. The usual route of entry is through a laceration or a punctured wound. The spores usually produce a toxin that travels to the peripheral nerves through the bloodstream or lymphatics and to the central nervous system. It presents with fever, malaise, headache, pain & stiffness in the jaw, abdomen, and back followed by difficulty in swallowing. The classical symptoms are lockjaw, a grin like the posture of hypertonic facial muscles, opisthotonus presents at a later stage. Blood culture can detect the causative agent. Human tetanus immune globulin should be given immediately after diagnosed. Other managements are with diazepam, antibiotics and supportive measures. All patients affected with tetanus must obtain active immunization with adsorbed tetanus toxoid (ATT).
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 08:04:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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