Severe anxiety is condition where level of anxiety for a person can actually impair or affect their well being to a certain extend. It's categorized under group of mental illness and it can be cured with proper treatment and psychotherapy.Signs and Symptoms
Panic,fear and uneasiness, Sleep problems, Not being able to stay calm and still, Cold,sweaty,numb or tingling hands or feet, Shortness of breath, Heart palpitations, Dry mouth, Tense musclesCommon Causes
Environmental factor, Genetic factorRisk Factors
Having blood relatives with an anxiety disorder, Drugs or alcohol, Trauma, Stress due to an illness, Stress buildup, Personality, Other mental health disordersInvestigation Techniques
Blood test, Thyroid function test, Psychological evaluationTreatment and Prevention
Psychotherapy, Antidepressants, Anti-anxiety medicationPsychological Issues
Stress, Anxiety