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Soft Tissue Disease


Soft tissue diseases are diseases that result in negative consequences to the soft tissue in the body. There is also overlapping between the term soft tissue disease and also rheumatism. Soft tissue disorders are classified into the capsular joint, non-capsular joint, and non-joint. Some of the conditions which are classified under capsular joint disorder are synoviopathy and bursopathy. The examples of bursopathy and synoviopathy are trigger finger, ganglion cyst, bursitis, baker's cyst and more. Conditions that are classified under non-capsular joint disorder are ligementopathy and tendinopathy. The examples of ligementopathy and tendinopathy are ligamentous laxity, golfer's elbow, tendinitis, and impingement syndrome. Last but not least, conditions under the category of the non-joint disorder are fasciopathy and fibromatosis. The examples of fasciopathy and fibromatosis contracture are necrotizing fasciitis, Dupuytren's contracture, and plantar fibromatosis. The initial approach to soft tissue disorders is to exclude systemic diseases. The management should include pain-relieving medication and lifestyle modification.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 08:04:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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