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Stress Urinary Incontinence


Stress Urinary Incontinence is a condition where there is urine leakage due to sudden pressure on the bladder and urethra which causes the sphincter muscles to relax. This is a more common problem in women than men.

Signs and Symptoms

Urine leakage during coughing,sneezing, laughing,lifting heavy things, exercising or sexual intercourse

Common Causes

Trauma or injury to the bladder muscles, Vaginal delivery, Prostate surgery, Chronic cough, Nerve injury to lower back

Risk Factors

Age, Gender, Obesity, Pregnancy, Vaginal or caesarean delivery, Smoking, Intense exercise for prolonged years, Previous pelvic surgery

Investigation Techniques

Physical examination, Neurological examination, Urinalysis, Urinary stress test, Ultrasound of bladder, CT scan, Urodynamic test, Cystoscopy

Treatment and Prevention

Lifestyle changes such as quit smoking and maintaining good body weight, Bladder training, Pelvic floor muscle exercises, Vaginal devices, Penile clamps or clip, Urethral injectables, Surgery


Information Updated on : Tue Feb 18 2020 08:09:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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