Diabetes is one of the most prevalent comorbidities in Malaysia and can increase an individual risk of other health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and kidney problems. Most of the time, diabetes can be silent and only show up when it is already too late. This package is included with HbA1c and microalbumin tests which is able to screen for, diagnose diabetes, pre-diabetes conditions or other health problems such as infection, high cholesterol, abnormal kidney function, liver problem, and blood abnormalities. Someone who was already diagnosed also should take this test to monitor the effectiveness of his/her diabetic treatment. Highly recommended for:Individuals age 30 and aboveIndividuals with BMI 30 more Existing diabetes condition (for monitoring/control)Feeling extremely tired all the time
Full Blood Examination This is one of the most essential tests done. The results will be able to reflect your general health status and also detect a wide range of conditions such as infections and blood disorders like anemia and leukemia.HemoglobinRBCWCC5 part differential countPlatelet countPCVMCH/MCVMCHCESRBlood film comment Renal FunctionYour kidney helps to filter toxins and other waste product from your body. This panel does not only tell how well your kidneys are functioning, but also reflects the levels of electrolytes in your body. It is not only required for people with kidney problems, but it is routinely done for most patients to determine their hydration status.SodiumPotassiumChlorideUreaUric acidCreatininePhosphateCalcium Liver FunctionYour liver performs vast functions in our body. It secretes enzymes to break down food, produces protein, eliminates toxins, and many more. This test will be able to detect if there are any signs of liver damage or abnormalities in your liver.ALT (SGPT)AST (SGOT)GGTTotal proteinAlbuminGlobulinALPBilirubin (total) Diabetes Screening - GlucoseThis test shows your blood glucose level which will be able to detect if your body has too high, too low, or normal sugar levels. Lipid ProfileThis test will be able to show your body’s cholesterol levels, which will indicate if you are at risk of any cardiovascular disease or if your existing cholesterol therapy is effective.Total cholesterolTriglyceridesLDLHDLTotal cholesterol/HDL ratio Urine FEME This test involves checking the appearance, concentration to content of your urine. From these results, it can tell a lot of things, from kidney problems, infection to diabetes. HbA1cThis test will be able to screen for or diagnose diabetes, pre-diabetes conditions, or to monitor the effectiveness of your diabetic treatment. Microalbumin (urine)This test will be able to screen or detect potential kidney problems or other risk factor such as high blood pressure.
Booking to be made 2 working days in advance. A nurse/phlebotomist will be able to visit your home Mon - Sat: 8:00 am - 10:00 am (Klang Valley area only). Change of booking date is allowed 2 days before scheduled booking date.
FASTING You are required to fast for a minimum of 10 hours prior to your health screening. You can only consume plain water during your fast. Failure to fast will cause your test result to be inaccurate. If you require the nurse/phlebotomist to make a second visit for the sample collection on the day of your blood test, an additional RM140 will be charged for the next visit. REGISTRATION Please have your identification document ready: NRIC (for Malaysian) or passport (for non-Malaysian) FOR THE LADIES We recommend that you book your appointment with us approximately 3 days before your menstruation (period) and wait for 3 days after your menstruation for more accurate results from your tests.
Upon payment, we will send to your email a receipt. This receipt can only be used for the package indicated. This receipt must be presented upon registration with the phlebotomist/nurse at your home, together with your NRIC/identification documents. Packages book cannot be refunded but can be postponed to a later date. All packages booked can be postponed to a later date with validity of 6 months from the time of booking. Please call 03-84082000 or e-mail contact@doctoroncall.com.my if you have any other questions.