
30 days

What are the benefits of dengue vaccine Qdenga?

Hello doctor, i heard about Qdenga recently… should i get it, and what benefits can i get from the vaccine? I am sometimes worried about dengue haha

Dr Ramzdhan,

30 days

Good afternoon!

Thanks for your question, I’ll try to answer it as best as I can.

Qdenga offers the potential to reduce the incidence and severity of dengue fever, which can be a significant health burden in affected regions, which includes Malaysia. In February 2024, it was reported that dengue cases in Malaysia were up by 65% compared to the previous year, with the majority of the hotspots being situated within Selangor. By preventing dengue infection, it helps protect vulnerable individuals and communities from the associated complications and healthcare costs.

Additionally, Qdenga has several advantages over other dengue vaccines, such as Dengvaxia, in that it doesn’t require the patient to have been previously infected by dengue. It also has a relatively short dosage schedule, requiring two dosages between three months.

To find out more about dengue or the Qdenga vaccine, you can consult a healthcare professional for further advice and recommendations. And to protect yourself against the dengue vaccine, you can schedule a Qdenga vaccination.

Click Here to Book your Dengue Vaccine Today!


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