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Bone Marrow Transplantation


Bone marrow transplantation is a procedure done by replacing the destroyed and damaged bone marrow cells with new healthy bone marrow cells. It is also known as a stem cell transplant. Bone marrow is the part of the bone that produces blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. There are mainly two types of bone marrow transplant which is the autologous bone marrow transplant and allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow transplant is done in conditions or disorders where the bone marrow is unable to make normal functional blood cells such as in leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, aplastic anaemia and congenital neutropenia. Bone marrow transplantation can lead to risks such as transplant rejection or failure, infections and anaemia. The success of bone marrow transplantation depends on the age of the patient, disease that is treated for, overall health, type of transplant and donor match.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)