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Control Of Increased Sexual Desire In Men


Signs of high sexual desire include difficulty in reaching satisfaction during sexual intercourse, craving for more sexual intercourse, sleep disturbance and unable to socialize. One of the ways to control sexual desires is by deviating focus on other things for example outdoor activities such as jogging, cycling, hiking and marathons. One of the reasons for increased sexual desire is depression. Physical activities and sweating may help in endorphin secretions and subsequently improve depression and decrease sexual desire. Talking to a psychologist or partner may help in overcoming the desire as having problems in a relationship may also lead to increased sexual desire. Besides that, there are substances that can reduce libido which is called anaphrodisiacs. Anaphrodisiacs includes chaste berry, potassium bromide, antiandrogen and opioids. Some medicines may lead to increased libido. For example, bupropion is used for depression and aid in smoking cessation. Stopping this drug may reduce high sexual arousal.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)