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Male Hypogonadism


Male hypogonadism is a condition where the body does not produce enough male hormone or impaired ability to produce an effective sperm which is essential in secondary sex growth of a man

Signs and Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction, Low sperm count, Depressed mood, Decreased libido, Lethargy, Sleep disturbances, Decreased muscle mass and strength, Loss of body hair, Osteoporosis and decreased bone mineral density, Increased body fat, Breast discomfort and enlargement, Hot flashes, Sweating, Poor concentration and decreased energy

Common Causes

Primary - originates from a problem in the testicles, Secondary - problem in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland

Risk Factors

Kallmann syndrome, Undescended testicles as an infant, Mumps infection affecting your testicles, Injury to your testicles, Testicular or pituitary tumors, HIV/AIDS, Klinefelter syndrome, Hemochromatosis, Previous chemotherapy or radiation therapy, Untreated sleep apnea

Investigation Techniques

Hormone testing, Semen analysis, Pituitary imaging, Genetic studies, Testicular biopsy

Treatment and Prevention

Hormone replacement, Assisted reproduction

Psychological Issues

Depression, Stress, Anxiety
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)