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Measles vaccination given to children between 12-15months (Mums, Measles, Rubella vaccination) and another dosage around 4 years of life, Public education of the disease


Measles is caused by an RNA virus and presented with maculopapular rashes which begins on the face spreading to the extremities, upper respiratory symptoms, conjunctivitis and the pathognomonic feature which is the Koplik's spots. Complications are more common among elderly people than children, which include complications like otitis media, transient hepatitis, and pancreatitis. Measles is severe in a pregnant woman though there are no studies showing that congenital malformation will be caused due to measles. Normal immunoglobin attenuates the disease among the non-pregnant woman and also immunocompromised people. However, it must be given within 6 days of exposure. A live attenuated vaccine is given for prevention in babies along with other vaccines. There are studies shows that Vitamin A can improve the prognosis in an uncomplicated condition of measles.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)