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Calcium Carbonate

Information About Calcium Carbonate

Uses of Calcium Carbonate

Calcium carbonate is used in conditions such as calcium deficiency, high blood phospate (hyperphosphataemia) in chronic kidney disease patient and high acidity (hyperacidity) stomach

How Calcium Carbonate Works

Calcium carbonate works as antacids by increasing the pH of the stomach. It also forms an insoluble complex binding with phosphate in the intestine thus preventing the absorption into the circulatory system. Lastly, it will be absorbed into the circulatory system to replenish the calcium deficiency.

Side Effects of Calcium Carbonate

Constipation, Flatulence, Abdominal pain, Loss of appetite, Headache, Symptoms of overdosage,

Information Updated on : Wed Jul 17 2024 10:48:38 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)

Calcium Carbonate Related Warnings

Alcohol Safe

There is no labelled contraindication nor warning towards alcohol consumption and calcium carbonate used together. It is, therefore, safe to consume in moderate amount.

Pregnancy Not Safe

Calcium carbonate is safe to consume during pregnancy. Precaution, however, should be advised for pregnant women as calcium carbonate in high doses may cause toxicity and mil-alkali syndrome. Dose adjustment and doctor's advise are required for the indicated condition.

Lactation Use With Care

Calcium carbonate is safe to be used in lactating women and calcium is found in the breastmilk. It is, however, advisable for lactating women to get a prescribed dose of calcium carbonate for the condition they have to prevent overdosage.

Driving Generally Safe

Calcium carbonate usually does not affect the ability to drive. Do not drive unless you are feeling well.

Kidney Use With Care

It is advisable to put patients with mild to moderate kidney failure on close supervision of plasma calcium level and urinary calcium excretion. It is not advisable or contraindicated in patients with severe renal failure without dialysis treatment.

Liver Use With Care

It is presumably safe to use calcium carbonate in patients with liver impairment. However, close monitoring is needed if there are signs of worsening liver conditions shown.

Frequently Asked Questions on Calcium Carbonate

