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Information About Topiramate

Uses of Topiramate

Topiramate is commonly used to treat epilepsy, epileptic seizures and seizures. it can also be used for preventive treatment of migraine.

How Topiramate Works

Topiramate is able to enhance GABA-A receptor activity, reduces glutamate activity, reduces mesolimbic dopaminergic activity and also inhibits voltage-dependent sodium channels

Side Effects of Topiramate

Neurological disturbances, Visual disturbance, Abdominal pain, Nausea, Diarrhea, Weight loss, Reduced sweating with hyperthermia, Altered taste

Information Updated on : Wed Jul 17 2024 10:49:00 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)

Topiramate Related Warnings

Alcohol Not Advisable

It is not advisable to consume alcohol and Topiramate concomitantly as alcohol will further depress the neurological function.

Pregnancy Not Safe

Animal and human studies have shown reproductive toxicities when used during pregnancy. Thus, Topiramate is not advisable to be used during pregnancy and pregnant women are advised to find an alternative treatment for uncontrolled epilepsy.

Lactation Not Advisable

Animal studies have shown the excretion of Topiramate in animal milk but there are no controlled studies on breastfeeding women. However, there have been observed side effects on breastfed newborns such as Diarrhea, drowsiness and inadequate weight gain. Thus, the decision has to be made whether to discontinue the medication or breastfeeding based on the benefit-risk ratio. Please consult your doctor.

Driving Not advisable

Do not drive unless you are feeling well. Topiramate may cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness or visual disturbance, all of which could affect your ability to concentrate and drive.

Kidney Use With Care

Dose adjustment is needed in patients with moderate to severe kidney impairment. As for haemodialysis patients, a supplemental dose is needed as Topiramate is effectively removed by haemodialysis.

Liver Use With Care

Caution use has to be practised in patients with liver impairment.

Frequently Asked Questions on Topiramate

