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Biore UV Color Control CC Milk 30ml
RM 39.70
Biore UV Color Control CC Milk has a lightweight tinted texture with outstanding everyday UV protection that instantly transforms dull-looking skin into a radiant tone for a smooth, velvety touch.
Benefits of Biore UV Color Control CC Milk:
Excessive use may clog pores, produce body acne, and cause dry skin. It will dull and cling to your skin.
Daily use of Biore UV Color Control CC Milk helps maintain your skin healthy and radiant. Several benefits of applying moisturizing lotion on a daily basis are listed below.
Firstly, it prevents dryness of the skin and reduces the chances of developing skin problems. Moisturizing the skin helps it to produce enough collagen and repair itself, thus staying tight, vibrant, and giving a more youthful and smooth look. Moisturizing lotion that is rich in vitamins and minerals helps speed up cell turnover because as we grow older, our skin regeneration process slows down. Therefore, moisturizers help to maintain the youth of the skin.
In addition, moisturizing lotion hydrates your skin and gives a healthy glow to your skin. This glow can hide the blemishes on the skin and you can get an evened out skin tone. The moisturizing lotion also creates a barrier on the surface of the skin to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. It also reduces the symptoms of inflammation and soothes sensitive skin. When sensitive skin becomes dry, it causes the development of eczema and acne breakouts. In this case, moisturizing lotion can help to keep it in balance and hydrated.