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Medela Disposable Nursing Pads 60s
RM 79.00
Disposable nursing pads is suitable for heavy breast milk leakage
Leaking breast milk from breasts is a common phenomenon that happens for moms. Some new mothers do not worry about this problem while others feel slightly uncomfortable and inconvenienced. After a mom delivers a child, the milk will ‘comes in’ around after two days your baby is born. It may drip or even spur out of your breasts at any time.
New mothers with abundant milk supply and proactive may find leaking continues longer than usual. For them, leaking breastmilk can be frustrating and annoying especially if they are working moms. It may disturb their emotion due to uneasiness. However, there are several ways to combat this problem. One of the ways is to wear a breast pad.
Breast pads or nursing bras like Medela Disposable Nursing Pads 60s are used to absorb excess milk and protect your clothing. There are many breast pads or nursing bras available on the market. It is important to choose high-quality absorbent material so it will fully absorb the milk. Besides that, you can also breastfeed your baby more often to prevent your breast from becoming too full. This may help to reduce the amount of leaking.