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Medela Purelan Lanolin Cream 37g
RM 61.90
Medela Purelan Lanolin Cream 37g is one of the essential items to aid in breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding has been acknowledged by experts as the most nutritious and most beneficial for your baby. Many medical experts suggest breastfeeding your baby from 6 months to 2 years old. It is recommended to continue to breastfeed your baby through the first year of your baby’s life after you introduce them to foods.
Breast milk provides all the important nutrition for a child's growth and development. Besides that, breast milk also contains antibodies that help your baby fight against diseases. The presence of white blood cells and the main immunoglobulin IgA provides protection against all microbes, bacteria, viruses, and toxic exposure. Breast milk also contains abundant amounts of antioxidants, enzymes, and immune properties.
Moreover, breastfeeding also produces naturally occurring hormones oxytocin, also known as the bonding hormone. It is crucial in the early life of the child to create a bonding with the mother. The production of the hormone promotes positive feelings for the mother and reduces stress and enhances affections between a mother and a child. In conclusion, breastfeeding is important to support the total wellness and health of a child.