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Mustela Cleansing Oil 500ml
RM 100.00
Cleansing oil suitable for bathing dry skin specifically formulated for infants from birth on, babies and children
Stop using the product if you observe symptoms such as rashes, redness, crack or unusual skin condition on your baby.
It is good if you can choose natural ingredients and are free from chemicals because your baby may not develop strong immunity yet to handle high levels of toxicity. Make sure you read carefully the label ingredients at the back of the products before you decide to purchase them. The lesser the ingredients, the better it is.
Take note of what kind of ingredients you should avoid as well as what is good for them. Essential oils are mostly organic and most of them are extracted from plants. Almond oil, coconut oil, or argan oil is very good for a baby’s skin to make the skin soft and smooth.
Choose baby bath and skin products that have natural ingredients to hydrate the skin. It is good if parents know certain terms on the packaging such as tear-free products to avoid hurting your baby's eyes during bathing time.