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Refresh Plus Lubricant Eye Drops 0.4ml x30
RM 37.40
Refresh Plus® Lubricant Eye Drops lubricate and moisturise the eyes instantaneously, providing brief relief from mild eye dryness symptoms. The original strength, preservative-free product mimics your own natural tears and comes in sterile, single-use vials that you can take with you wherever you go.
Refresh Plus® is also suitable for sensitive eyes and can be used following LASIK or other types of eye surgery. If you're taking Refresh Plus® to treat dryness and discomfort after an eye surgery (e.g., LASIK), follow your eye doctor's recommendations.
Possible side effect include stinging or redness, dilated pupils, or blurred vision. Contact your doctor or pharmacist right away if any of these side effects persist or worsen.
Do not let the dropper tip come into contact with any surface. Dispose vial after use.
If you have sensitive eyes or you are working in a place with a dry environment, take Refresh Plus Lubricant Eye Drops with you to avoid rubbing your eyes all the times as this may harm your eyes.
Eye drops usually are saline solutions that contain some medications in them to treat many problems of the eye. Sometimes, there are absolutely no medications in the eye drops and they function to moisturize the eyes or to wash out any foreign bodies.
Applying eye drops may help to restore the natural moisture of your eye when your eyes cannot make the lubricant enough on their own. They will promote comfort to your eyes as well as reduce dryness and irritation of the eyes. If you are having an injured eye, artificial tears will encourage the healing process of the eye’s surface, promoting comfort by lessening the feeling of a surface scratch and clearing away any remaining or particles. By keeping the eyes always being lubricated, eye drops will prevent your eyes from any further damage.
Besides that, eye drops also relieve the burning and stinging sensation of the eyes that are related to allergy reactions. During allergy season, applying medicated eye drops correctly on the eyes will decrease the risk of getting any systemic side effects from the medicine that we used.