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Urgotul Medical 1s 5x5 cm
RM 54.40
You can be confident that your wound will be given the best possible chance of healing when you work with UrgoTul Medical. The TLC healing matrix has been clinically proven to provide an optimal healing environment, allowing your wound to heal quickly, comfortably, and safely. You can be confident that your wound will be cared for by UrgoTul.
Wound preparation
Dressing application
Dressing changes
For external use
Material: A polyester mesh impregnated with hydrocolloid particles (carboxymethylcellulose), paraffin oil, petrolatum, and polymers forms a non-adhesive, non-occlusive interface.
Check packaging for an expiry date
Store in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight.
UrgoTul Medical is the ideal solution for any acute wound. The Innovations in Technology TLC healing matrix incorporates hydrocolloid particles in a lipophilic substance, giving any wound the best chance of healing.
The Urgotul dressings are created with your healing in mind. Here are a few of the advantages of using Urgotul Medical: