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Bad Odor From Mouth


Bad odor from mouth or breath also called halitosis, is a social problem with a common complaint of 25 percentage of people around the world. Common etiology of this bad breath is usually due to problems in oral cavity itself. Non oral causes may include various systemic diseases and use of certain drugs. Bad odor can be improved simply by maintaining oral hygiene however if there are any underlying systemic diseases, it should be solved first for long standing improvement.

Signs and Symptoms

Bad odour during breathing or talking

Common Causes

Eating certain food like garlic and stinkbean, Tobacco chewing, Poor dental hygiene, Dry mouth, Certain medication that can cause dry mouth, Infections in the mouth, Some disease like cancer, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes and bronchiectasis

Risk Factors

Eating certain food like garlic and stinkbean, Tobacco chewing, Poor dental hygiene, Dry mouth, Certain medication that can cause dry mouth, Infections in the mouth, Some disease like cancer, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes and bronchiectasis

Investigation Techniques

Dental examination

Treatment and Prevention

Practice good oral hygiene, Mouth rinses or toothpaste that has antibacterial property to kill the bacteria that cause plaque buildup, Treat any underlying causes if it is due to certain diseases, Chew mints, Drink plenty of plain water
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)