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Irrigation Solution For Eye Nose


Eye irrigation solutions are essential to remove foreign bodies, maintain ocular and physiological integrity, maintain pressure and corneal transparency and provide cellular nutrients. The solutions that are commonly used are sterile saline, lactated ringers solutions composed of NaCl, KCl, CaCl and sodium lactate. The pH is 7.2 and its osmolality is 279. Besides that, balanced salt solutions are the second commonest and it is composed of NaCl, KCL, CaCl, MgCl, sodium citrate and sodium acetate. Their pH is 7.4 and osmolality is 305 and it is better tolerated than ringers lactate. While for Nose irrigations it is indicated for the removal of crusts, foreign bodies, inflammatory mediators, relieve nasal congestion and act as one of the treatments of rhinitis. Solutions used are warm normal saline, alkaline solutions made by dissolving soda bicarbonate and sodium chloride. Syringes can be used in infants and children while neti pot is used in adults.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)