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Stomach Ulcers


Stomach ulcers, otherwise known as gastric ulcers is a breach in the epithelium lining of the stomach. Gastric ulcer is less common than duodenal ulceration. However, the pathology is essentially similar to that of duodenal ulcer, with the exception that stomach ulcers tend to be larger.

Signs and Symptoms

Epigastric pain, Pain radiates to the back, Periodicity pain, Vomiting, Alteration in weight gain or loss, Hematemesis, Melaena

Common Causes

Amount of acid is increased or the amount of mucus is decreased due to Helicobacter pylori infection, On medications: NSAIDs, steroid, anticoagulant

Risk Factors

Smoking, Drinking alcohol, Ageing, Low socioeconomic groups, Irregular meal time

Investigation Techniques

Full blood count, Helicobacter pylori breath test, Gastroendoscopy

Treatment and Prevention

Lifestyle modification, Cessation of smoking, Medical treatment: H2 receptor antagonist and proton pump inhibitors, antacids, Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy, Surgical treatment is required when there is uncontrolled bleeding and perforation

Psychological Issues

Stress, Anorexia
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:06 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)