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Pancreatic Cancer


Pancreatic cancer is a type of malignancy which originates from the tissues of the pancreas that spreads rapidly to nearby structures and organs and very rarely can be detected during the early stages.

Signs and Symptoms

Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to your back, Loss of appetite or unintended weight loss, Depression, New-onset diabetes, Blood clots, Fatigue, Yellowing of your skin and eyes (jaundice)

Common Causes

Unclear, Maybe due to DNA mutation in pancreas

Risk Factors

Chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), Diabetes, Family history of genetic syndromes that can increase cancer risk, Family history of pancreatic cancer, Smoking, Obesity, Older age

Investigation Techniques

Tumor marker test (CA19-9), Ultrasound of your pancreas [endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)] , Biopsy (fine-needle aspiration)

Treatment and Prevention

Surgery for tumors in the pancreatic head- Whipple procedure (pancreaticoduodenectomy), Surgery for tumors in the pancreatic body and tail (distal pancreatectomy), Surgery to remove the entire pancreas (total pancreatectomy), Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:04 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)