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Skin Disorders


Skin disorders or diseases are very common. Skin disorders are very important because any disruption of the skin barrier can lead to death. Besides that, patients might experience psychological disturbances as it is a stigma in the community as people believe that skin disorders are contagious as their appearance are very much disturbing. Generally, skin disorders can affect any age group from young till elderly. There are several investigations which can be done although not all available in certain countries. Some of the investigations are Wood's light, dermatoscopy and diascopy, skin biopsy, patch testing, skin prick tests, blood culture, and skin biopsy. Skin disorders can present as lumps/lesions, rashes, blisters, itch, cutaneous photosensitivity, ulcers, or as abnormal pigmentations. The example of skin disorders are a lot and some of them are acne and rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, lichenoid eruptions, bullous diseases and many more.
Information Updated on : Wed Feb 12 2020 16:04:06 GMT+0800 (Malaysia Time)