Dr Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh

20 Years Experience Verified
In person

About Doctor

Dr. Harpreet Kaur is currently serving as Internal Medicine Physician in Columbia Asia Hopsital Tebrau. She graduated from International Medical Malaysia in 2005 and pursue her specialization by obtaining Membership of the Royal College of Physicians , United Kingdom in 2003. Dr. Harpreet also an ordinary member of Academy of Medicine of Malaysia.



Internal Medicine (General Medicine) Specialist


MBBS (IMU), MRCP (UK), AM (Malaysia)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 43541
National Specialist Register: 131765


Bahasa Malaysia

Conditions Consulted

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Dr Harpreet Kaur A/P Harnam Singh

20 Years Experience Verified
In person

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Updated on: 10/6/2021
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