10 months
Hello Dr, my friends at school have been talking about getting a dengue vaccination. However, I think that I have never heard any cases in my neighborhood. So, I wonder, who is actually at risk …
- Anonymous10 months
Hello, Doctor. Some of my friends have recently contracted dengue fever, and I’m concerned about my own risk. Are there any dengue vaccinations available in Malaysia that I can receive to protec…
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I am thinking of getting a Qdenga vaccination but before that may I know how effective Qdenga is in preventing dengue fever?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I have heard about the efficacy of dengue vaccination in our country. However, I have not heard the bad effects of it. So, I would like to know if there are any serious or dangerous si…
- Anonymous10 months
Hi doctor, one of my friends from overseas is planning to visit malaysia soon, but they are worried about dengue. Can they get the qdenga vaccine to protect themselves?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I am thinking of getting Qdenga shots but I am scared of any possibilities of the side effects. Can you explain more on what are the possibilities of side effects that I may get from t…
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I’ve heard about this one dengue vaccination called Qdenga. I wanted to know more about it to gain more information about it and I can also share it with my family and friends. But may…
- Anonymous10 months
Hi doctor, i heard about the Qdenga vaccine. I am 29 years old, can i still receive the vaccine?
- Anonymous10 months
Hi doctor, i read there is a new dengue vaccine called Qdenga… are there any side effects if i decide to take the vaccine?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello doctor, i heard about Qdenga recently… should i get it, and what benefits can i get from the vaccine? I am sometimes worried about dengue haha
- Anonymous10 months
I heard there is a new dengue vaccine called Qdenga. ive already had the dengvaxia vaccine before, should i get this new one too?
- Anonymous10 months
ive heard about Dengvaxia before and recently learned there is a new dengue vaccine called Qdenga. if i were to get vaccinated, which one should i get?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Doc, I am thinking of taking my Qdenga vaccination but may I know beforehand how do I report my side effects from Qdenga if I were to get any?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I took my dengue vaccination a few months ago, and now I’ve heard about a new dengue vaccine and I am thinking of changing my dengue vaccination. Would it be okay for me to receive a d…
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I am actually interested to know more about Qdenga vaccination. Can you help share more information about it or where can I get more information about Qdenga vaccination?
- Anonymous10 months
What’s the effectiveness of the Dengue Vaccine (Qdenga)? I heard the name but wasnt sure of the effectiveness. Does it really work well in preventing dengue fever?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello, doctor. I learned there is a new dengue vaccine called Qdenga. What are the dosages, and how do they administer it?
- Anonymous10 months
hi doctor, i wanna know about what is Qdenga? I’ve been hearing a lot about it on the news
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Doc, I’ve read online that not all places provide dengue vaccination and not all places have mosquitos. So, where exactly is dengue fever commonly found?
- Anonymous10 months
Hi doctor, can i ask when will the dengue vaccine be available? I want to protect myself against dengue, i hear the cases are rising more and more.
- Anonymous10 months
Good afternoon Dr, I am a 17 years old male. I am thinking of getting a vaccination for dengue. But what is/are the vaccine/s for dengue fever in Malaysia?
- Anonymous10 months
Hi Dr, I joined an exchange student programme and got selected to go to Korea. I am wondering if it would be okay for me to get a dengue vaccination before I travel?
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I would like to know if there is a requirement for individuals who have received the Qdenga Dengue Vaccine to receive a booster dose? Is a booster dose of Qdenga dengue vaccine require…
- Anonymous10 months
Hi Dr, I am a 20 years old female and recently my house has had a number of increasing cases of dengue. I read about a vaccination called Qdenga and am planning to take it. But, is Qdenga dengue…
- Anonymous10 months
I know that Dengvaxia and Qdenga are dengue vaccines, but do they work differently? Which one should i choose?
- Anonymous10 months
Hi Dr, one of my former classmates was diagnosed with dengue fever yesterday and had to be admitted into the hospital. I was in the same class as him yesterday. I am wondering how is dengue feve…
- Anonymous10 months
Does the Qdenga Dengue Vaccine effectively protect against all serotypes of the dengue virus, or are there limitations to its efficacy based on factors like age, prior exposure, or other conside…
- Anonymous10 months
Hi doctor, I want to ask… is there already a vaccine for dengue? I hear dengue cases are rising more and more, I want to take precaution.
- Anonymous10 months
Hello Dr, I was scrolling through my social media and accidentally came across an ad about dengue vaccination. Can you explain a little bit about dengue vaccination?
- Anonymous10 months
Hi dr Is Qdenga approved for use? I really want to know. Thank you
- Anonymous