Dr Kiran Kaur

19 Years Experience Verified
In person

About Doctor

Dr Kiran Kaur is currently practising as a Consultant General Surgeon at Columbia Asia Hospital - Klang. She graduated from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) & went on to further pursue her specialization in General Surgery at University Malaya (UM). She joined her subspeciality trianing in breast surgery at University Malaya in 2016 & joined private practise at Columbia Asia Hospital-Klang in 2017 as a Consultant General Surgeon with special interest in breast surgery. She is also an ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) instructor & is very comfortable managing trauma cases.



General Surgeon


BSC (Hons), Biomedicine (UPM), MD (UPM), Master of Surgery (UM), AM (Malaysia), NSR (General Surgery)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 45543
National Specialist Register: 132427


Bahasa Malaysia

Conditions Consulted

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Dhivan Naidu
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Dr Kiran Kaur

19 Years Experience Verified
In person

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Updated on: 18/2/2021
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