Dr Mary Suma Cardosa

35 Years Experience Verified

About Doctor

Doctor only accepts follow-up patients. New patient must visit the clinic. For an appointment, please contact SN Phaniey.



Pain Management
Consultant Pain Management Specialist


MB BCh BAO (Belfast, UK) MRCP (UK)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 25175
National Specialist Register: 125164


Bahasa Malaysia

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maheshwara raaj
It's so convenient the way the consultation carried out.. quick response and confidential. Excellent service.
Rattana Seow
Convenient and easy to use when sick - get to rest immediately after consult cause no need to drive and wait in the clinic and medication is delivered to the doorstep.
Devimanohari Mohanakrishnan
Very fast and efficient way of having doctor consultation and medication purchase. They deliver medications right to the home making it very convenient and reducing our hassle of purchasing medications from elsewhere. Great service
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Dr Mary Suma Cardosa

35 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 22/3/2025
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