Dr Saravana Kumar A/L Karunanathy

20 Years Experience Verified



Internal Medicine
Consultant Physician


MBCHb (UK), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasg)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 37573
National Specialist Register: 128378


Bahasa Malaysia

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Diarrhea watery many times, feels like want to vomit, stomach feels full
I’m having Diarrhea since yesterday, feces still got bit solid by yesterday morning, but it turn watery from time to time, i went to toilet 3 times this morning and it become completely water. … Read More..
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2 y
Salmonella, diarrhoea, covid-19
Patient 29 years old, Ok last night my husband and I had dinner at sushi king around 7- 8-ish pm and at 3-4am in the morning he suddenly told me he had like cramp and BO non stop and the cramp g… Read More..
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2 y
Stomach ache because Food Poisoning
Hi, Im a Man, 26 this year. I want ask. I have food poison on few days back. But im still got a symptoms like burp, my stomach feel bloated and sometimes fart. Before this I consult with clinic … Read More..
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3 y
What are the symptoms of almonds poisoning? I had a lot just now
I wanna ask what are the serious or deadly symptoms of getting almond poisoning? I had a lot just now and i vomitted just now Read More..
Answered ✓
3 y
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Dr Saravana Kumar A/L Karunanathy

20 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 22/8/2024
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