Dr Chong Kuoh Ren

23 Years Experience Verified
In person

About Doctor

Dr. Chong Kuoh Ren has almost 20 years of experience in taking care of Women's Health Problems and Pregnancy Check-up. After graduating as a specialist from both University Malaya and RCOG in London, Dr. Chong pursued further training in laparoscopy (key-hole) surgery. His current focus is on advanced fertility treatment, including 3rd generation IVF, Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA), and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment. His patients come from ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam), and others, including China, Australia, UAE, India, and Africa.



Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Specialist
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


MBBS (UM), MRCOG (UK), F.MAS, D.MAS, M.Cert. Reproductive Medicine & IVF (NHS)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 39004
National Specialist Register: 130405


Bahasa Malaysia

Conditions Consulted

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Dr Chong Kuoh Ren

23 Years Experience Verified
In person

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Updated on: 26/5/2022
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