Ms. Chai Wen Fei graduated from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine with a Bachelor’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was sponsored by the Beijing Government to complete her degree in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. During her period of studies, Ms. Chai received Clinical training in The Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ms. Chai was also under the tutelage of Prof. Fan Ying Yi, who specializes in treating mammary gland disease and postpartum disease using Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment. Ms. Chai amassed rich experience working in the galactophore (breast), pediatric and gynecology departments of The Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Ms. Chai’s strengths are in prescribing Chinese medicine and TCM external therapy to treat acute mastitis, improve breast milk supply, relieve engorged breast and hyperplasia of mammary glands. She also uses Chinese herbal and womb care therapy to help in women’s health and wellness. For pediatric diseases such as cough, poor appetite, bad digestion, low immunity she practices tui-na therapy.
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