Dr Sudarwin Tjanaka

15 Years Experience Verified
In person

About Doctor

Dr Sudarwin Tjanaka is currently serving as a Internal Medicine Physician in Columbia Hospital-Setapak. He graduated from University of Gajah Mada, Indonesia. He received his postgraduate training in University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2009.



Internal Medicine (General Medicine) Specialist


MD (Indonesia), MMed (Internal Medicine) (UKM), CMIA (NIOSH)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 53287
National Specialist Register: 131617


Bahasa Malaysia

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abd azis azrin
1 day i had a bad fever but nobody was at home to drive me to the clinic and i wasnt well enough to drive so i search on web for doctor on call and saw the page and review. Was very doubtful at first as i didnt know what to expect. But once …More1 day i had a bad fever but nobody was at home to drive me to the clinic and i wasnt well enough to drive so i search on web for doctor on call and saw the page and review. Was very doubtful at first as i didnt know what to expect. But once the doctor arrived i was at ease.. so easygoing and experienced.. they can even send the medication to you. Its true what they say.. everything is at your fingertips.
Ryan Gooi
Amazing service.. early morning reply as well.. and the price is reasonable. Big thumbs for DOC.
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Dr Sudarwin Tjanaka

15 Years Experience Verified
In person

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Updated on: 15/5/2023
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