Dr Fauziah Binti Jummaat

13 Years Experience Verified



Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Obstetrics and Gynaecology


MD (Bandung), MMed (O&G) (USM)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 43835
National Specialist Register: 133324


Bahasa Malaysia

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Wan Arrazi
For me.. Doctor On Call is a very convenient and easy way to get a medical consultation. If anyone have difficulty to go to clinic.. doctor on call is a good solution. The doctors also is very kind to me when i call them
Mankarpal Deo
Professional and efficient service. Confidential and prompt with diagnosis and prescriptions. Good job.
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Dr Fauziah Binti Jummaat

13 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 11/9/2024
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