Dr Roshan Gunalan

16 Years Experience Verified



Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedic Surgery


MB BCh BAO (Ire) MS Ortho (UM), Fellowship in Paediatric Orthopeadic Surgery (UK)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 37851
National Specialist Register: 132582


Bahasa Malaysia

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Ilyas Zainuddin
Very satisfied with their service. Ordered and received my medication right at my doorstep within 2 days. Will definitely use more of their service in the future!
Brinta Mathers
They have a great team of professionals and their services are awesome!
Christine Tee Pei Yee
Consultation is good.. dont have to step out of the house for small issues and being really busy.. recommended
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Dr Roshan Gunalan

16 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 22/8/2024
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