Dr Zubin Othman Bin Ibrahim

8 Years Experience Verified



Internal Medicine (General Medicine) Specialist
Consultant Physician
Consultant Cardiologist


MBChB (Otago), MMed (UM)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 38367
National Specialist Register: 131667


Bahasa Malaysia

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raj suriya
A very awesome services
Jeremy Teo
Efficient platform with very quick response rate. Wasn't expecting such a quick reply on a public holiday but surprised to get a reply within minutes of sending a message. Great stuff!
Rezela Azhari
very fast reply via whatsapp and over the phone. convenience for me to get the medicine as just done the surgery. recommended for those who have busy lifetime and having issue with transport.
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Dr Zubin Othman Bin Ibrahim

8 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 5/9/2024
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