Dr Zubin Othman Bin Ibrahim

8 Years Experience Verified



Internal Medicine (General Medicine) Specialist
Consultant Physician
Consultant Cardiologist


MBChB (Otago), MMed (UM)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 38367
National Specialist Register: 131667


Bahasa Malaysia

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Devimanohari Mohanakrishnan
Very fast and efficient way of having doctor consultation and medication purchase. They deliver medications right to the home making it very convenient and reducing our hassle of purchasing medications from elsewhere. Great service
Fash business
Overall I am very pleased with the services. Finding the doctor is hassle free.. it helps me to save a lot of time. Highly recommend this service 👍
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Dr Zubin Othman Bin Ibrahim

8 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 4/10/2024
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