Dato Dr Jegan Thanabalan

24 Years Experience Verified

About Doctor

Dato' Dr. Jegan Thanabalan is a Consultant Neurosurgeon at Subang Jaya Medical Centre, specializing in advanced brain and spinal surgeries. A graduate of Kasturba Medical College, India, he holds memberships in esteemed medical associations, including the Neurosurgical Association of Malaysia and MERCY Malaysia. He is committed to delivering expert neurosurgical care and enhancing patient outcomes through state-of-the-art techniques.



Consultant Neurosurgeon


MBBS (Mangalore) MS (UKM)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 32704
National Specialist Register: 128180


Bahasa Malaysia

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Dato Dr Jegan Thanabalan

24 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 4/10/2024
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