Dr Teh Mei Sze

12 Years Experience Verified

About Doctor

Dr. Teh Mei Sze is a Consultant Breast Surgeon (Oncoplastic) at Subang Jaya Medical Centre, specializing in breast cancer surgery, minimally invasive breast surgery, and breast reconstruction. She holds a Master of Surgery (MSurg) from the University of Malaya and an MD from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr. Teh has completed multiple fellowships in breast surgery across Milan, Bangkok, Japan, and Taipei. She is a member of various professional bodies, including the Academy of Medicine Malaysia and the College of Surgeons Malaysia. Dr. Teh is proficient in English, Bahasa Melayu, Mandarin, and Cantonese



Breast Surgeon


MD (USM), MRCS (Edin), M (Surg) (UM)

Medical Registry

Malaysia Medical Council: 48015
National Specialist Register: 135688


Bahasa Malaysia

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Dr Teh Mei Sze

12 Years Experience Verified

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Updated on: 11/7/2024
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