10 Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer!

10 Early Signs Of Breast Cancer You Should Never Ignore: Are Lumps A Cause for Concern? | DoctorOnCall

Younger and older women are both affected by breast cancer. Treatment, on the other hand, is more effective if breast cancer is detected early. As a result, it is critical to identify early signs of breast cancer and seek treatment as soon as possible.

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is cancer that begins in the breast cells. It can appear anywhere on the breast, including under the armpit. The cells that produce milk in the milk ducts are where breast cancer usually starts. Although it is less common in men, breast cancer can affect both sexes. The following are some breast cancer warning signs to look out for:

      1.  New breast or armpit lumps

Early signs of breast cancer include new lumps in the breast or under the armpit. It is critical to recognise these early symptoms in order to have a better chance of recovery.

Lumps in the breast typically feel like a lump or a small lump under the skin. These lumps may feel hard or slightly soft, and they may or may not move when touched. These lumps can appear anywhere in the breast or under the armpit.

      2.  Swelling of the breasts

Breast swelling is one of the warning signs of breast cancer that should be taken seriously. Most women experience breast swelling during menstruation, but if the swelling persists, it may be an indication of early breast cancer.

Breast swelling usually occurs when cancer cells begin to grow and harden the breast tissue. Other factors, such as infection or hormonal imbalances, can also cause swelling.

      3.  Breast pain

Pain in the breast area refers to pain, discomfort, or a tight feeling in the breast area. It can affect one or both breasts and spread to the nipple or surrounding area.

Pain in the breast area can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in the menstrual cycle, injury, infection, and breast problems such as cysts. Breast pain can also be an early sign of breast cancer.

      4.  Fluid discharge from the nipple

Fluid discharge from the nipple is an important sign for women to take note of. This is because fluid discharge from the nipple, including blood, can be an early sign of breast cancer.

During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, most women experience nipple fluid discharge. Excessive and abnormal fluid discharge, on the other hand, requires attention. Red, brown, or grey discharge is also an early sign of breast cancer.

      5.  Red and hot breast skin

Breast skin that is red and hot can be an early sign of breast cancer. Pain and discomfort are usually present. However, these symptoms do not appear in all cases of breast cancer.

At the same time, red and hot breast skin is not always indicative of breast cancer either. Other factors can also contribute to the same symptoms. However, you should still consult with your doctor to get the best advice.

      6.  Inverted nipples and itchy skin

If your nipple is indented or pulled inward, it could be a sign of breast cancer. This can be caused by cancer cells growing inside the breast tissue, altering the structure of the breast. Other changes in the appearance of the breast, such as dimpling, should be noted as well.

Itchy skin around the breasts can also be a sign of breast cancer. While it could be caused by other factors such as allergies, it's important to see a doctor to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

      7.  Changes in breast size

Changes in breast size are common in women, especially during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. However, if you notice sudden changes in breast size with no apparent cause, this could be a sign of breast cancer.

      8.  Breast ulcers

Open sores on the skin's surface are known as breast ulcers. They can occur as a result of poor blood and oxygen supply to the skin, caused by prolonged pressure, injury, or inflammation. 

Although breast ulcers are rarely discussed as a sign of breast cancer, they can be an early indicator of the disease.

Cancerous ulcers are usually larger than 2 cm in diameter, red, and growing with no signs of healing.

       9.  Dimpling around the breast area

Another sign of breast cancer that should not be ignored is dimpling around the breast area. Dimpling can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, fatigue, and nutrient deficiencies. However, if the dimpling persists and becomes more noticeable, it is a sign that immediate medical attention is required.

      10.  Blue veins on the breast

The veins on the breast are normally visible when we are experiencing discomfort, such as when we exercise or when we are stressed. This is because blood flow in our bodies changes during these times, making veins more visible.

If the veins are too visible and appear blue or purple, this could be an indication of breast cancer. 

Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells multiply quickly and spread throughout the breast. When this happens, blood flow can be disrupted, causing blue veins to become more visible.

Act Now Before It's Too Late

Breast cancer is a serious illness that shouldn't be ignored. Early detection is critical for successful treatment, so do not disregard warning signs. Take preventive measures such as scheduling regular breast exams and living a healthy lifestyle. And as always, do consult a medical professional if you suspect something is amiss.