1. Wash hands
The instruction of washing hands is found in every single article regarding COVID-19. What is the reason behind it? Why is it so crucial to wash hands repetitively?
If you haven’t noticed yet, hands are easily exposed to various things including germs. This is because we often used it to touch any surface that was probably contaminated with the virus. You named it and hands would surely have touched it. Handlebar, public transport, toilet, doorknob, office, tables, and the list go on.
That is why washing hands is very critical in the prevention of contracting or spreading the virus. The most efficient method to wash hands is by using soap and water as it is more reliable to kill viruses that contain fat layers on its surface. Meanwhile, hand sanitizer serves as an alternative in a situation when water and soap are not available.
Don't take it for granted. Wash your hands before and after touching anything.
2. Take note of the information regarding COVID-19 especially the symptoms of this virus
You are advised to always keep up to date with this current issue of coronavirus. Despite that, make sure the sources you get it from is valid and reliable sources such as from Ministry Of Health (MOH) or World Health Organization (WHO)
According to WHO, the symptoms that are frequently observed in those infected by coronavirus are as below:
- Fever (more than 37.5-degree Celcius)
- Lethargy
- Cough
- Body and joint ache
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Difficulty in breathing
3. If you’re in a high-risk group, avoid being in a public area
Those that fall into this group usually refer to individuals age 60 years old and above, having other chronic underlying health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressures, and others as they could experience more severe symptoms once they are infected.
If you belong to this group, try your best to avoid crowded places or any activities involving crowds.
4. Do not attend any assemblies or events
Needless to say, this virus can easily be spread around and infect people. Thus, crowded areas serve as a breeding place which facilitates the spreading of viruses to everyone. Moreover, as different individual immune systems respond differently to this virus, it is difficult to identify whether any individual in the public space is infected by it. Thus, to reduce the risk of infection, it is best to avoid crowds.
5. Stay put at home
Everyone is advised to stay home to break the chain in spreading this virus around. If you need to head outside, only go to the intended place. Do not go out in a group and spend time briefly outside.
6. Do not travel to the high-risk country
Once in a blue moon would you only find an affordable ticket to your dream country. But, don’t be fooled by it because you might actually be paying it with your life. So, don’t take the risk.
7. Always be prepared for emergency situations such as “Total Lockdown” in your area or even the whole country as well as in a situation when you’re required to be isolated or self-quarantine.
You’re advised to be prepared for any emergency situation such as “lockdown” of the whole country or when you’re required to be quarantined for 14 days at home. Make sure you have enough but not excessive supply of food.
8. Practice Social Distancing
Social distancing is crucial to break the chain of this infection. Apart from avoiding crowded areas, assembly or event, you are also required to keep at least 1 meter away from people, especially those who had symptoms such as coughing or sneezing.
9. Prioritize your health
A healthy body is crucial to fight against this infectious disease. Although you’re required to stay at home, practicing a healthy lifestyle such as consuming a balanced diet is important. While you’re at that, do house chores or simple exercise to keep active at home.
10. Take care of people around you such as the neighbor that you are aware of in a high-risk group.
Being asked to stay put at home is not an excuse for not taking care of people around you especially those who suffer from chronic diseases and the elderly. Make sure they have adequate food supply at home and in case they need help, please call the relevant authorities.
11. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you’re sick
Please get medical attention if you’re showing symptoms such as sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing and fever. However, do not rashly intrude on the doctor. It is better if you call the clinic before coming in or get an online consultation beforehand.
12. Practice the right coughing etiquette.
Cover your mouth with the inner part of the elbow or even better if you use tissue whenever coughing or sneezing. Do not use your hand
13. Use the right mask
The appropriate mask against this virus is a surgical mask or N95 mask.
14. Clean your house and personal belongings.
Clean your house regularly especially on frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, furniture, television controllers, handphones, keys, and etc.