Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland which is situated in front of the neck as a butterfly-shaped gland. Many disorders are cancerous and non- cancerous. It also includes autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto Thyroiditis.Signs and Symptoms
Fatigue, Frequent/ heavy menstrual periods, Forgetfulness, Weight gain, Dry/ coarse skin and hair, Hoarse voice, Intolerance to cold, Irritability/nervousness, Muscle weakness/tremors, Infrequent/ scant menstrual periods, Weight loss, Sleep disturbances, Enlarged thyroid gland, Vision problems or eye irritation, Heat sensitivityCommon Causes
Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Thyroid nodules, Thyroid cancerRisk Factors
Age and gender (women over 60 at high risk), Preexisting condition (autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes or celiac), Pituitary gland disorder, Pregnancy (women who are pregnant or who have had a baby in the past six months at high risk)Investigation Techniques
Thyroid function test, Titers of anti-thyroglobulin/ anti-thyroperoxidase/ TSH receptor stimulating antibodies, Ultrasound, Radioactive iodine, Fine needle aspiration, and biopsyTreatment and Prevention
Ablation, L-thyroxine, Methimazole, Thyroid surgery, Radioactive iodine